The skin will look younger and healthy with the use of banana's
facial mask as lots of nutrients can be found in bananas. Vitamin C, A,
B6, B12, potassium and magnesium can be found in Banana. The dead skin
can be removed from the fruit acids found in bananas and the skin
complexion willget energized. This mask can be applied on the face and
as well as on neck area in daily basis. One might consider to apply a
moisturizing cream e.g. V zone, Which contains very few glands to
produce natural oil as compared to face. Cleansing, toning and
moisturizing is the basic method of taking care of the face and neck. So
apart from the skin care routine, gentle exfoliate is also necessary
once in a week. Variety of skin care benefits are there in bananas. Lots
of improvement can be seen in the skin conditions by rubbing the inside
of the peel. The blackheads can be removed. To treat the skin having
lots of acne, the anti-bacterial properties and high potassium are
required. One can get relief from acne because the above properties will
finish off the bacteria spread on the skin, and allow the pimples or
blemishes to heal at faster rate. Antioxidants benefits and minerals are
there in Banana which sooths the psoriasis and eczema. The reformation
of the skin can be prevented and the fine lines and wrinkles will be
reduced by anti-aging properties. It is a very good treatment for dry
itchy skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Due to their lots of
beneficial properties the skin will get lots of benefits like the body
will get detoxified, skin circulation will get increased, collagen level
will be boosted up. So fresh look, smooth and glowing appearance can be
obtained by their properties. '
So numerous benefits can be obtained from banana and banana oil. Another benefit of Banana is that it is a great natural skin care option. Just take a peeled banana and apply it under eyes before going to sleep. The fluid retention and swelling can be avoided due to potassium in banana, as it will balance the amount in water. The beauty skin care product can be prepared by mixing smashed banana and honey. The facial mask can be prepared by mixing mashed banana and 3 tablespoon of honey. So to reduce wrinkles, lines and dark circles, regular use of this pack is necessary.
Feet can also be made soft and supple with this pack. and by repeating this pack on feet the cracks and fissures will get disappeared.
Prepare the mixture of ripe banana and 2 tea spoon of rose water, then on clean face apply this mask and after 20 minutes wash it off. Lots of vitamins and minerals will be supplied to the skin by this pack, which will make the skin healthy.
Take Half Ripe Banana

Mash it properly

Add 2 teaspoon Rose Water

You can also blend it in a blender to make a smooth paste so that no lumps are left

Banana peel have certain material which removes the fungus and bacteria from the skin, due to that itching will not be there. So obviously it is very effective in curing the skin itching caused by diseases such as athlete's foot, tinea mannum, tinea corporis and so on. Lot of potassium is there in the peel of banana, which is a good medicinal and viral component. Lots of treatments and remedies are there in the advertisements, which have lots of potassium in it, i.e. why some of them actually work on the skin. But their cost is too high as compared to banana peel, even banana peel is free of cost because one just eat banana and use its peel for treatment. A good amount of potassium is there in the peel, which not only just fight but also removed these problems from the body. Lots of natural home remedies are there to solve these kind of problem, but banana peel is most convenient and most natural. So two works can be done in single go, one is eating the banana on daily basis to get the peel, and peel will heal the skin and make it healthy.
So numerous benefits can be obtained from banana and banana oil. Another benefit of Banana is that it is a great natural skin care option. Just take a peeled banana and apply it under eyes before going to sleep. The fluid retention and swelling can be avoided due to potassium in banana, as it will balance the amount in water. The beauty skin care product can be prepared by mixing smashed banana and honey. The facial mask can be prepared by mixing mashed banana and 3 tablespoon of honey. So to reduce wrinkles, lines and dark circles, regular use of this pack is necessary.
Feet can also be made soft and supple with this pack. and by repeating this pack on feet the cracks and fissures will get disappeared.

Prepare the mixture of ripe banana and 2 tea spoon of rose water, then on clean face apply this mask and after 20 minutes wash it off. Lots of vitamins and minerals will be supplied to the skin by this pack, which will make the skin healthy.
Take Half Ripe Banana

Mash it properly

Add 2 teaspoon Rose Water

You can also blend it in a blender to make a smooth paste so that no lumps are left

Banana peel have certain material which removes the fungus and bacteria from the skin, due to that itching will not be there. So obviously it is very effective in curing the skin itching caused by diseases such as athlete's foot, tinea mannum, tinea corporis and so on. Lot of potassium is there in the peel of banana, which is a good medicinal and viral component. Lots of treatments and remedies are there in the advertisements, which have lots of potassium in it, i.e. why some of them actually work on the skin. But their cost is too high as compared to banana peel, even banana peel is free of cost because one just eat banana and use its peel for treatment. A good amount of potassium is there in the peel, which not only just fight but also removed these problems from the body. Lots of natural home remedies are there to solve these kind of problem, but banana peel is most convenient and most natural. So two works can be done in single go, one is eating the banana on daily basis to get the peel, and peel will heal the skin and make it healthy.