At one point of time most of the people have blackheads on their
nose. It not easy to get rid off this kind of problem, Wrong methods are
being used by most of people and their pores got damaged. Two ways are
there to clear the oil from pore which causes blackheads. One have to
clean the pores with antiseptic cleanser, the best one is that which
contains salicylic acid. A hot clean wash cloth is also required. The
skin will get moist with it. Put it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes,
but it should have bearable temperature. The root of blackheads will get
lose and there won't be no further damage. The one can easily removed
the blackheads, buy just washing it again with cleanser and clean
tissue. To remove impurities from the skin, good face wash can be used.
But one can use medicated cleanser if he have breakouts.
The clean and gentle cloth must be used for this. Don't scrub the redness on the skin, as it spreads the bacteria and the breakouts will get worse. Gentle exfoliating cleanser can be used on daily basis if no breakouts are there. Just to make sure, don't use pressure that can scratch the skin. To get the best results, small circular movements can be used. Just maintain the routine of good cleansing to get away from blackheads and one can't control sebum production on the skin. Dead skin cells can be removed by regular use of cleanser and exfoliate. The sebum will not get build up by doing this. To make the process easier, creams or soaps can be bought. The pores can be dried out from oil and can be made soft by using the creams, soaps which have salicylic acid. There is another way to lose the blackheads is use of benzoy1 peroxide, which break up the concentration of dead cells.
Hot steam is another way for softer skin. It makes the skin softer as well as enlarge the pores. Opening the pores is the good way to remove blackheads, as the sebum gets clogged in the pores and they get trapped. It also improves the blood circulation, which removes the debris and toxins from the skin. So it is becoming the effective method for cleaning pores. It is not easy to get rid of unfriendly blackheads and they can be importunate. The best way is the gentle touch to remove the blackheads. Start the process by opening the pores from steam, then use blackhead remover, and then use dirt free tissue to get rid of blockage. Just mind the gentleness at home for this.
Here is one very good pack for removing blackheads from nose and face
Take 1 Teaspoon Chokar in a bowl
The clean and gentle cloth must be used for this. Don't scrub the redness on the skin, as it spreads the bacteria and the breakouts will get worse. Gentle exfoliating cleanser can be used on daily basis if no breakouts are there. Just to make sure, don't use pressure that can scratch the skin. To get the best results, small circular movements can be used. Just maintain the routine of good cleansing to get away from blackheads and one can't control sebum production on the skin. Dead skin cells can be removed by regular use of cleanser and exfoliate. The sebum will not get build up by doing this. To make the process easier, creams or soaps can be bought. The pores can be dried out from oil and can be made soft by using the creams, soaps which have salicylic acid. There is another way to lose the blackheads is use of benzoy1 peroxide, which break up the concentration of dead cells.
Hot steam is another way for softer skin. It makes the skin softer as well as enlarge the pores. Opening the pores is the good way to remove blackheads, as the sebum gets clogged in the pores and they get trapped. It also improves the blood circulation, which removes the debris and toxins from the skin. So it is becoming the effective method for cleaning pores. It is not easy to get rid of unfriendly blackheads and they can be importunate. The best way is the gentle touch to remove the blackheads. Start the process by opening the pores from steam, then use blackhead remover, and then use dirt free tissue to get rid of blockage. Just mind the gentleness at home for this.
Here is one very good pack for removing blackheads from nose and face
Chokar(Wheatbran pack for Blackheads)
1 Teaspoon Chokar
1 Teaspoon Chokar
1 Teaspoon Raw Milk
Take 1 Teaspoon Chokar in a bowl
Add Raw Milk
Mix properly to form a paste
This is very good for removing blackhead...Apply this pack on your nose or the entire face and leave it there for 15 minutes.After 15 minutes scrub it off and wash with warm water...Just after one wash 70 percent blackheads will come out...Apply it again the very next day to remove the remaining blackheads.