Specially women and teenagers have the dream of clear and glowing skin. The looks made the first impression as first impression is generally the last impression. Looks can't be changed as its God gifted but can be enhanced by following the proper beauty care routine. Every person has a desire to get the clear skin and keep it like this. People of every age group are facing the problem of acne and breakouts, not only teenagers. Most of the people are searching for the ways for getting clear and the glowing complexion as they are facing the acne problem increasing. People all over the world are facing the acne problem, due to this skin problems are coming. The people suffering from acne are very shy to face the public due to this they are loosing their self confidence. So it becomes one of the very large skin problem.Due to the skin problems they becomes socially incompatible and often feel depression. How to get rid of the skin problems and how to get the clear skin is the main point. Anyone could get clear and the flawless complexion with the right knowledge and the practice. Clear skin would not only enhance the looks but would also gives a self confidence and make you much more confident in facing the public.
Its a dream of everyone to had a clear and the glowing skin and there are advantages of the same too. The acne even after getting cured ,leaves some spots and some marks which is the major reason for not having the clear skin. i.e. why Acne is an major hindrance. who is serious about the discovering how to get an clear skin, of them a proper skin cleaning regimen is very important.
There is a simple homemade DIY scrub which you can use to clear your skin and remove all kind of marks and sports.Using this scrub will add a radiant glow to your skin.
You can make and store this scrub in the refrigerator for about a week and use it daily before taking bath.Within one week your face will become clear and radiant.
Homemade Scrub For Clear And Glowing Skin
2 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon Honey
Half Teaspoon Olive Oil

Method Of Preparing DIY Facial SCRUB
Take 2 Teaspoon Sugar in a bowl.You can increase the quantity of sugar if you want to scrub on your whole body.
Add 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice.Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and it is a power antoxidant for exfoliating your skin cells.
Mix them properly so that sugar dissolves in the lemon juice to some extent

Add 1 Teaspoon Honey.Honey has got great Antibacterial properties and it is one of the best ingredient for lightening and brightening the skin complexion.

Add Half Teaspoon Olive Oil.It is a great moisturizer and will moisturize your skin from deep within
Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste
Your facial plus body scrub is ready.Wash your face with a face wash properly.Take a small amount of scrub in your palms and scrub your face in circular motions with the help of your finger tips.Scrub it for 3-4 minutes and then leave the scrub on your face as a pack for another 5 minutes.rinse properly with lukewarm water.The soft feeling of honey and olive oil will make you scrub it again and again.I just loved it.

Its a dream of everyone to had a clear and the glowing skin and there are advantages of the same too. The acne even after getting cured ,leaves some spots and some marks which is the major reason for not having the clear skin. i.e. why Acne is an major hindrance. who is serious about the discovering how to get an clear skin, of them a proper skin cleaning regimen is very important.
There is a simple homemade DIY scrub which you can use to clear your skin and remove all kind of marks and sports.Using this scrub will add a radiant glow to your skin.
You can make and store this scrub in the refrigerator for about a week and use it daily before taking bath.Within one week your face will become clear and radiant.
Homemade Scrub For Clear And Glowing Skin
2 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon Honey
Half Teaspoon Olive Oil

Method Of Preparing DIY Facial SCRUB
Take 2 Teaspoon Sugar in a bowl.You can increase the quantity of sugar if you want to scrub on your whole body.

Add 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice.Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and it is a power antoxidant for exfoliating your skin cells.

Mix them properly so that sugar dissolves in the lemon juice to some extent

Add 1 Teaspoon Honey.Honey has got great Antibacterial properties and it is one of the best ingredient for lightening and brightening the skin complexion.

Add Half Teaspoon Olive Oil.It is a great moisturizer and will moisturize your skin from deep within

Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste

Your facial plus body scrub is ready.Wash your face with a face wash properly.Take a small amount of scrub in your palms and scrub your face in circular motions with the help of your finger tips.Scrub it for 3-4 minutes and then leave the scrub on your face as a pack for another 5 minutes.rinse properly with lukewarm water.The soft feeling of honey and olive oil will make you scrub it again and again.I just loved it.