Eyes are the most beautiful gift of God to us.We should take proper care of our eyes because its the eyes that make us see such a beautiful world.Small and broken tissues result in Dark circles and puffiness under eyes. The reason of breakage of tissues can be retention of fluid , allergies, wrong medication, hereditary, lack of sleep, stress, aging, pregnancy, improper diet" bad make-up, etc.
Dark circles under the eyes have been attributed to numerous causative factors. According to Ayurveda it may be due to disorders of gastrointestinal system or excessive indulgence in sexual activity. The allopathic system of medicine considers it primarily due to either due to genetic predisposition or because of inordinate exposure to sun leading to the accumulation of melanin under the skin, whatever be the reason.
There is one more interesting Home remedy. You can also remove dark circles by lying down head free falling from the bed for 5 to 10 minutes after getting up from bed in the morning. This will reduce dark circles around the eyes by improving circulation of blood from head and the eyes.
2. drink 8- 10 glasses of water everyday.
3. Eat fresh vegetables and salads and fruits in raw and green form.
4. avoid junk and unhygenic food like burgers, pizzas and pastas.
5.Use a sunscreen lotion, while moving outdoors.
6. At night, application of almond oil is very effective in curing dark circles.
7. Vitamin E enriched cream or vitamin E capsules for local application are an alternative for almond oil for curing and lightning of dark circles.
Potato Juice For Dark Circles
Applying raw Potato Juice on dark circles is a great home remedy.
Just grind a raw potato and squeeze the juice out of it.Apply that juice on the dark circles under the eyes and leave it overnight.Regular use of potato juice will help to a great extent in getting rid of dark circles .
Tomato For dark Circles
Grind a tomato in a grinder to form a puree.Apply that puree on the dark circles and area around the eyes with the help of a cotton.Leave it overnight for best results.
Green Tea Bags fro Treating Dark Circles
Take 2 green tea bags and dip them in hot water for 2 minutes.Then Take them out and keep in the freezer for 1 hour.After one hour keep the chilled bag on your eyes and lie down on the bed for 20 minutes.This is also an excellent home remedy for dark circles.
Papaya Mask For Dark Circles
Take a small piece of papaya and mash it to form a smooth paste.Apply that paste under the eyes and around the eyes and leave it for 20 minutes.After 20 minutes wash it off with cold water.
Dark circles under the eyes have been attributed to numerous causative factors. According to Ayurveda it may be due to disorders of gastrointestinal system or excessive indulgence in sexual activity. The allopathic system of medicine considers it primarily due to either due to genetic predisposition or because of inordinate exposure to sun leading to the accumulation of melanin under the skin, whatever be the reason.
There is one more interesting Home remedy. You can also remove dark circles by lying down head free falling from the bed for 5 to 10 minutes after getting up from bed in the morning. This will reduce dark circles around the eyes by improving circulation of blood from head and the eyes.
Tips for taking care of dark circles at home
1. Avoid exposure in the sun especially in the dry and dusty conditions in the summers.
2. drink 8- 10 glasses of water everyday.
3. Eat fresh vegetables and salads and fruits in raw and green form.
4. avoid junk and unhygenic food like burgers, pizzas and pastas.
5.Use a sunscreen lotion, while moving outdoors.
6. At night, application of almond oil is very effective in curing dark circles.
7. Vitamin E enriched cream or vitamin E capsules for local application are an alternative for almond oil for curing and lightning of dark circles.
Potato Juice For Dark Circles
Applying raw Potato Juice on dark circles is a great home remedy.
Just grind a raw potato and squeeze the juice out of it.Apply that juice on the dark circles under the eyes and leave it overnight.Regular use of potato juice will help to a great extent in getting rid of dark circles .
Tomato For dark Circles
Grind a tomato in a grinder to form a puree.Apply that puree on the dark circles and area around the eyes with the help of a cotton.Leave it overnight for best results.

Green Tea Bags fro Treating Dark Circles
Take 2 green tea bags and dip them in hot water for 2 minutes.Then Take them out and keep in the freezer for 1 hour.After one hour keep the chilled bag on your eyes and lie down on the bed for 20 minutes.This is also an excellent home remedy for dark circles.
Papaya Mask For Dark Circles
Take a small piece of papaya and mash it to form a smooth paste.Apply that paste under the eyes and around the eyes and leave it for 20 minutes.After 20 minutes wash it off with cold water.