Homemade Aloe Vera Mask For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks could be caused by a number of causes like sudden weight gain, pregnancy period or any other change in the physical condition of a person. At one point in life both men and women have to face this problem. It is very difficult to get rid of these marks once you have them. i.e. why we should try to remove it on the top priority. Lots of home remedies are there which can prevent stretch marks and give some peace of mind in curing them.

When the skin is stretched more than its flexibility capacities, the linear scars get appeared on the body. These are called Stretched marks. Sudden weight gain caused by eating lots of junk food and not doing any exercise, pregnancy in females, a burst of growth during puberty and bulking up for body building can be a cause of stretch marks. These scars or stretch marks can be developed by hormonal surges that could accompany pregnancy. If the stretch marks are new then they are in red and purple color, if old then in white or silver color.

Using home remedies from your kitchen,One can remove Stretch marks.Home remedies for treating stretch marks are listed below.

Because of healing and soothing components of Aloe Vera ,it is used by doctors and armies .People are unaware of the fact that ,Aloe Vera when applied on skin removes and stops stretch marks from appearing on skin permanently.Aloe Vera can be used directly on the skin as it turns into cream and it has strong healing properties and anti-inflammatory effects in it as we all know.

The stretch marks can be prevented by Aloe vera and if incase they are already their then the skin can be regenerated and further damage can be avoided.


AloeVera Gel
Olive Oil
A Pinch Of Turmeric Powder

Method of preparing Stretch marks  

 Take out the aloe vera gel from the aloe vera leaves and grind in a grinder to form a paste


Add 1 Teaspoon Olive oil


Add a pinch of turmeric powder.Mix all the three ingredients.


Blend this mixture and place it in airtight jar. and use it whenever required. This mixture contains all the ingredients which are beneficial for skin and aid in skin repair.Apply this mixture over your stretch marks and leave it overnight.Stretch marks can not be cured in a day or two.It takes time depending on the depth of stretch marks.so apply this mixture every night till your stretch marks fades away.