Getting clear and glowing skin is a dream of everyone specially women and teenagers.First impression is often the last impression and looks makes the first impression.You can not change the looks that God had gifted you but you can always enhance it by following proper beauty care routine.How to get clear skin and keep it like this always is the desire of everyone.And our hands being the integral part of our body should not be avoided at any cost.Working in the kitchen and doing house hold work makes our hands rough and hard.We do take care of our face but hands are always avoided.
Now-a-days ,it is important to have healthy and glowing skin by following cleansing-toning and an moisturising routine to prevent premature ageing .Looks and skin issues downs one in public ,so,live your life to fullest as ,it the gift of God.There are various treatments for curing problems like acne , blemishes, dark complexion of skin.Clean and Flawless skin can be obtained by both skin medications and the home remedies .And what about hands.?.Hands are the crucial part of human body and must not be avoided.
People generally suffer from skin damage due to environmental factors like the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun, wind, extreme climate.However,these factors have also been found to be responsible in breaking down the precious Collagen fibers,resulting in sagged skin.
Homemade Hand Lotion For soft and Smooth hands
3 teaspoons Rose Water
2 Teaspoons Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon Glycerine
This three ingredients lotion is one of the best homemade remedy to take care of your hands.If you do not get time during the day, Just apply this lotion before going to bed and your hands will become smooth and soft just in 5-7 days.The skin around the nails will also get repaired and all cracks and cuts will be treated.
Take 3 teaspoons Rose Water
Take 2 Teaspoons Lemon Juice
Take 1 Teaspoon Glycerine
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and your hand lotion is ready
You can store it in a bottle and use it whenever you want.Using this lotion regularly will make your hands soft and beautiful.
Face is the first thing people notice when they meet so your face is your personality card.It should be taken care off well.Face packs can do wonders to your skin.Obviously your diet plays a major role in your facial skin appearance but face packs and face masks can also give you a smooth and fair complexion.And this homemade hand lotion will well take care of your hands.