Parlor Like Instant Facial at Home

Life is believed to a gift and one must live it to the fullest. You should not give your looks or skin a chance to make you feel bad while going out in public. Now-a days, to order to  keep your skin healthy and glowing for long period of time and prevent pre-mature ageing , it has really become  very important to Religiously follow a good cleansing-toning and moisturizing routine .There are large number of treatments available to cure any skin problem. These problems can be any out of  acne , blemishes, dark complexion or any other skin problems. In fact medications and home remedies can also cure skin problems and both help in getting clean and flawless skin.

One can try free home remedies as manufactured products costs a lot of money, so one don't want to go for market product for treating acne.The most used natural home remedies for acne is Lemon.It looks so strange that lemon can be used for acne treatment, because of that one might wans to run to local drugstore to by some medications, but It is a fact that lemon is far better than any of those expensive medicines used for treating acne scars. Lemon is rich in vitamin -c and anti-inflammatory

Applying lemon juice on skin or drink lemon juice, both ways can help you. other home products can be mixed with Lemon juice to for paste according to you skin kinds. The bacteria which is responsible for causing acne is killed by citric acid that is found in lemon which also exfoliates your skin. If applied regularly then it helps in reducing spot from your skin in a week or two. It will also lighten the color of your skin and will leave your skin feeling much softer.Oily skin has more acne than dry skin. Lemon juice can be drunk to cure acne. To clean your body and to remove antioxidants from your body, this is the great way. As soon as you get up in morning, just drink one freshly squeezed lemon juice with warm water. This procedure will also reduce the unwanted body flab. But don't drink or eat anything till half an hour after drinking lemon juice. Some lemon juice can be mixed in normal water and drink it through out the day. This will have good cleansing effect. It is quite simple to use lemon as home remedy. Just squeeze a fresh lemon and take our its juice and apply evenly on your face. Wash it with cold water after leaving it for 10-15 minutes

Try this instant glow 5 minutes facial for getting glowing skin.

Take 1 Lemon and Slice it in two halves


Take 1 Teaspoon Honey in a Bowl

Dip the lemon in the honey bowl and then rub the lemon all over your face pressing a little .
Rub it for 2-3 minutes .
Leave for 2 minutes and then wash it off.

This is a 5 minutes instant facial which will give your face a vibrant glow making it look clearer and cleaner.So when you are going for a party and you do not have time to go to parlour for facial or do a lengthy time consuming facial at home you can do this 5 minutes instant glow facial.

You can try doing this facial every 2 or 3 days and your skin will start showing an amazing glow and will become more clearer and vibrant.