Aloe Vera is a well know plant today, Infact a magical plant which can heal most of your health and skin problems. There is not a single person who would not have heard of Aloe Vera and its ever lasting benefits.

Acne is a very serious problem nowadays and it can lead to social humiliation.Person suffering from acne start avoiding social get togethers and they love to being alone.There are many expensive treatments for acne available in the market but not all of us can afford them,So here i have listed so many home remedies r treating acne that are not expensive and will give you a clearer skin at home
Aloe Vera is considered as a complete package to get good life. There are some active ingredients in Aloe Vera which detoxifies the body of harmful toxins and removes excess of adipose tissues from the body in harmonious way.In order to get clean and healthy life, Aloe Vera is the best and excellent choice .Its herbs also provide many appreciable beneficial effects which protect your skin from the elements.

If you will use Aloe Vera ,the external layer of the skin will start becoming healthy. This herb can also act as a moisturizer. In order to use its face pack,you can add cucumber with Aloe Vera juice or use the flesh of the plant . Aloe Vera also act as an anti-wrinkle cream because it can improve the elasticity of the skin and increase hydration.
BENEFITS - This Aloe Vera Mask will clear up your Acne and blemishes.It will also clear up the marks left by Acne.Not only this, It is an excellent mask for removing wrinkles and any kind of spots and dullness...It will add an extra glow to your face which will of course be noticed by one and all around.It is a Miracle plant and a miracle mask.....

Aloe Vera
Milk - 1 Teaspoon
Honey - 1 Teaspoon
Turmeric - A Pinch
Rose Water - 1 Teaspoon
Milk Powder - 1 Teaspoon (optional)

Method Of Preparing Aloe Vera Mask

Take a pinch of turmeric powder in a bowl.

Add 1 Teaspoon honey to it

Add 1 Teaspoon Rose water

Mix all the 3 Ingredients

Now add 1 teaspoon Raw Milk

And mix it properly

Now add the Main Ingredient i.e Aloe Vera
Take the Aloe vera leaf and cut it into small pieces..Then peel the outer layer and take the gel from it.

Now grind all the things in the grinder to form a smooth paste.

If you find that the paste is a little bit thin or watery you can also add a teaspoon of milk powder to it.

Your Aloe Vera Face Pack is ready.
Apply it on your face and neck and around the eyes.
Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water and pat dry with a towel.