It is well known that adding fruits and vegetables in your diet will surely show on your skin.Your skin is what you eat.Already there is a lot of pollution and our skin has to suffer because of that.Combined with unhealthy eating habits, pollution causes a big damage to our external skin along with our internal organs.The outcomes are acne, pimples, dull and damages skin.Though many expensive treatments and over the counter medicines are available for treating Acne, But it is always advisable to use homemade masks and home remedies for curing acne and other skin problems.These home remedies will not only cure the problem area but will also provide overall benefits to the skin.Regular use of homemade masks will give your skin a radiant glow that will be visible to everyone around and you will not have any kind of skin problems and issues.

Banana is loaded with important nutrients and minerals and vitamins that are very important for the proper nourishment of your skin.Banana face packs are an instant Beauty fix and will reverse your Ageing process.Combining with other ingredients, bananas makes excellent face masks to overcome so many skin issues.Some people call bananas as ultimate beauty fruit.You can use banana as a natural facial.Just take a banana and mash it.Rub it all over your face and wash it off after 10- 15 minutes..and You are all done.The secret to beautiful and glowing skin does not lie in the expensive salons but in your own kitchen.Your kitchen is loaded with so many natural ingredients which you can use at home to pamper yourself with a beauty treatment.
1 Ripe Banana
1 tablespoon Honey
1 Teaspoon Lime Juice

How To Make Banana Mask
Cut 1 ripe banana into small pieces in a bowl and mash it with the help of a spoon or a fork.

Add 1 Teaspoon Lime Juice

Add 1 Tablespoon Honey to the mashed Banana

Mix it well.I have use a grinder to make a smooth paste because I do not like lumps in the paste while applying it on my face.I like smooth and flowy paste.

Your Easy homemade Banana Mask Is ready To Use

Apply this mask to the entire face and neck and let it sit for 20 minutes.Wash your face and neck with normal water and pat dry with a towel. Do not apply soap or face wash on your face after applying this mask.This is an excellent mask for acne and dark spots.Not only this mask will clear your acne but will also help you to overcome all your skin problem.Adding glow to your skin is natural.Use this mask regularly, In fact I will say use it everyday and be ready to accept compliments from your loved ones.

For those who do not have time to make banana mask and wait for it to dry, they can simply rub banana peel on their face and neck and wash it off after 5 minutes.It will have almost the same effects on your face.