Dandruff is a problem which can occur to anyone irrespective of the
gender and at any point in life.It can occur to an infant and even to an
old man or women.Although an infant or elderly people will not need any
treatment for dandruff, teenagers, kids and adults will require proper
treatment to get rid of dandruff fast. Though many over the counter
medicines and oils and shampoo are available to treat dandruff, it is
advisable to resort to home remedies or home made treatments for
dandruff. Dandruff will also lead to hair breakage and lands you in the big vicious circle of hair fall and problem of dull hair.So it is better to treat dandruff before it might cause other hair problems.
One must Shampoo in morning after Massaging scalp with warm coconut oil twice a week.
This curd and egg whites is an excellent mask for treating dandruff and split ends.It will also make your hair smooth and soft as curd is a natural conditioner.
Apply this mask twice a week to see visible results in just 1 week.You will feel the change in your hair texture just after one wash.

Egg whites

How to make Curd and Egg Whites Mask
Take egg whites of 1 or 2 eggs depending upon the length of your hair
Mix 2 or 4 tablespoon curd to the egg Whites.If you have taken 1 egg white take two tablespoon curd and if you have taken egg whites of 2 eggs take 4 tablespoon curd
How To apply This Hair Mask to get dandruff free hair and scalp and to get rid of split ends
Take a small amount of curd in your palms and rub it on your scalp making circular motions with your palms and fingers.Rub on your entire scalp and then rub along the length of your hair.After applying it completely , cover your hair with a shower cap or tie them with the help of a clutcher or a rubber band.Leave the mask for 30- 40 minutes and then wash your hair with lukewarm water.When the entire mask comes out, then shampoo your hair with your regular shampoo.Do not use conditioner as curd is a natural conditioner and using this hair mask ill not only make your hair dandruff free but will also add shine to your hair and make them silky straight and if you will use it regularly the problem of split end will also get vanish.Its a magic mask actually.